Prețurile imobiliarelor au explodat în marile orașe, iar Bucureștiul este al doilea cel mai scump oraș al țării, la acest capitol, după Cluj. Anunțul vânzării unui apartament tip studio în apropiere de Piața Unirii i-a luat prin surprindere pe internauți.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the surprising high cost of apartments in central Bucharest, illustrated by an example of a studio for sale near Unirii Square.
The article highlights the rapid increase in real estate prices in the city, making it the second most expensive after Cluj. Public reaction to the announced price focuses on the disbelief and irony, with some even questioning the studio's authenticity and suggesting that the money could be better spent on land for a house.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the surprising high cost of apartments in central Bucharest, illustrated by an example of a studio for sale near Unirii Square. The article highlights the rapid increase in real estate prices in the city, making it the second most expensive after Cluj. Public reaction to the announced price focuses on the disbelief and irony, with some even questioning the studio's authenticity and suggesting that the money could be better spent on land for a house.